30 Best Things to Do in Egypt & Useful Travel Tips

30 Best Things to Do in Egypt & Useful Travel Tips

Egypt is the cradle of civilization and a bridge between Africa and the Middle East. Here, travelers can journey through millennia of history and admire the architectural masterpieces of the Pharaohs – the Pyramids of Giza, the mysterious Sphinx and the majestic temples of Luxor and Karnak.

In addition to the treasures of the Pharaohs, Egypt boasts coral reefs teeming with marine life, sun-drenched beaches and the vast deserts of Bedouin nomadic legend. In this guide, we explore the best things to do in Egypt, covering the main attractions in the cities of Cairo, Alexandria, Aswan and Hurghada and offering practical advice on planning your trip.


Tours4fun Recommendations:

7 day egypt tour

8 day egypt tour

11 day egpyt tour

The Best Time to Visit Egypt

Egypt’s climate is predominantly hot and dry throughout the year. The peak tourist season falls between October and April, when temperatures are mild and comfortable. However, this coincides with higher prices and larger crowds at popular destinations. If you can tolerate the heat, traveling during the shoulder season or off-season can be a budget-friendly option.

🌅Peak Season (October – April): Pleasant weather with average temperatures ranging from 18°C to 28°C (64°F to 82°F). This is the busiest time to visit Egypt, so expect larger crowds and higher prices.

🌄Shoulder Seasons (May & September): Shoulder months offer a good balance between decent weather and fewer crowds. Temperatures can be hot, especially in May, but prices start to dip.

☀️Off-Season (June – August): Soaring temperatures, sometimes exceeding 40°C (104°F), make sightseeing less enjoyable. However, this is the cheapest time to visit, and you’ll practically have the ancient sites to yourself. Also, coastal cities like Alexandria and Hurghada have more moderate temperatures due to the Mediterranean and Red Sea breezes.

Below are the month-by-month temperatures in Egypt for your reference.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
 9-18°C  10-20°C  13-24°C  16-28°C  20-32°C  23-35°C  24-36°C  24-35°C  22-32°C  19-29°C  14-24°C  11-20°C

30 Best Things to Do in Egypt

Egypt is filled with iconic landmarks, historical sites, and exciting activities. Here are 30 of the best things to do across the country.

Cairo and Surroundings:

1. Explore the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx

No trip to Egypt is complete without visiting the Pyramids of Giza. These ancient wonders, including the Great Pyramid, are among the most iconic structures in the world. Take a guided tour to learn about their history and significance.

Adjacent to the Pyramids of Giza is the Sphinx, a monumental limestone statue with the body of a lion and the head of a pharaoh. The Sphinx is shrouded in mystery and is a must-see for any visitor to Cairo.

Great Pyramid & Sphinx of Giza Tour

2. Discover the Egyptian Museum in Cairo

Located in Cairo, the Egyptian Museum houses an extensive collection of ancient artifacts, including the treasures of Tutankhamun. It’s a must-visit for anyone interested in Egyptology.

egyptian museum

3. Wander Through Islamic Cairo (Old Cairo)

Explore the narrow streets and historic buildings of Islamic Cairo. Visit the Citadel, the Sultan Hassan Mosque, and the bustling Khan El Khalili bazaar for a taste of Egypt’s rich Islamic heritage.

4. Explore the Dahshur Pyramids

The Dahshur Pyramids, including the Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid, are less crowded than those at Giza but equally impressive. They offer insight into the early development of pyramid construction.

Dahshur Pyramids

5. Tour the Al-Azhar Park

Al-Azhar Park in Cairo provides a green oasis in the heart of the city. It’s a great place to relax, enjoy panoramic views of Cairo, and explore its landscaped gardens and historic buildings.

6. Visit the Gayer-Anderson Museum

This museum in Cairo is housed in two historical buildings and features a fascinating collection of Islamic art, furniture, and artifacts.

7. Explore the Fayoum Oasis

Fayoum Oasis, close to Cairo, is known for its beautiful lakes, waterfalls, and wildlife. Visit the Wadi El Rayan and the ancient city of Karanis.

Luxor and Aswan:

8. Cruise the Nile River

A Nile River cruise from Luxor to Aswan is a serene way to explore Egypt’s historical sites. These cruises typically include stops at temples and tombs along the riverbanks, such as the Temple of Karnak and the Valley of the Kings.

nile river cruise

9. Marvel at the Temples of Luxor and Karnak

Luxor, often referred to as the world’s greatest open-air museum, is home to the magnificent Temples of Luxor and Karnak. These ancient structures are a testament to Egypt’s architectural prowess.

Luxor Karnak Temples Tour

10. Visit the Valley of the Kings

The Valley of the Kings, near Luxor, is the burial site of many pharaohs, including Tutankhamun. The tombs are adorned with intricate paintings and hieroglyphics, offering a glimpse into ancient Egyptian beliefs about the afterlife.

valley of the kings

11. Visit the Temple of Hatshepsut

The Temple of Hatshepsut, near Luxor, is a mortuary temple dedicated to one of Egypt’s few female pharaohs. Its unique architecture and location against the cliffs make it a must-see.

Temple of Hatshepsut

12. See the Colossi of Memnon

These two massive stone statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III stand guard over the mortuary temple of the same name. They are one of the few remnants of the temple complex.

13. Visit the Luxor Museum

The Luxor Museum houses a well-curated collection of artifacts from ancient Thebes, including statues, jewelry, and mummies. It’s a great place to deepen your understanding of Egypt’s history.

Luxor Museum

14. Take a Hot Air Balloon Ride Over Luxor

A hot air balloon ride over Luxor offers a unique perspective of the city’s temples and the Nile River. It’s an unforgettable experience, especially at sunrise.

Balloon Luxor

15. Experience a Felucca Ride

A traditional felucca ride on the Nile, especially in Aswan, is a relaxing way to experience the river and its surroundings. These sailboats provide a serene escape from the hustle and bustle.

16. Discover Abu Simbel

Located near Aswan, the temples of Abu Simbel, built by Ramses II, are a UNESCO World Heritage site renowned for colossal statues and intricate carvings. These temples were relocated in a massive engineering effort to prevent their submersion due to the construction of the Aswan High Dam.

Abu Simbel Egypt Tour

17. Explore Philae Temple

The Temple of Philae, located on an island in the Nile near Aswan, is dedicated to the goddess Isis. It’s known for its stunning architecture and scenic location, accessible by boat.

Philae Temple

18. Visit the Temple of Kom Ombo

The Temple of Kom Ombo, situated on the Nile River, is unique for its dual dedication to the gods Sobek and Horus. It features fascinating reliefs and a crocodile museum.

Temple of Kom Ombo

19. Explore the Nubian Villages

Take a boat trip from Aswan to visit the colorful Nubian villages along the Nile. The friendly locals and traditional houses make for a unique cultural experience.

Red Sea Resorts:

20. Relax in Sharm El Sheikh

Sharm El Sheikh, a resort town on the Red Sea, is famous for its beautiful beaches and vibrant coral reefs. It’s a popular destination for diving, snorkeling, and other water sports.

 Sharm El Sheikh

21. Relax on the Beaches of Hurghada

Hurghada is a bustling resort town on the Red Sea coast, known for its beaches, nightlife, and water sports. It’s a great base for exploring nearby islands and coral reefs, perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports.


22. Visit the Red Sea Monasteries

The monasteries of St. Anthony and St. Paul, located in the Red Sea Mountains, are some of the oldest Christian monasteries in the world. They are fascinating places to visit for both history and spirituality.

Alexandria Area:

23. Visit the Alexandria Library

The modern Library of Alexandria, or Bibliotheca Alexandrina, is a cultural center and library built in honor of the ancient Library of Alexandria. It houses millions of books and hosts various exhibitions and events.


24. Visit the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa

In Alexandria, the Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa are a fascinating underground necropolis that blends Egyptian, Greek, and Roman architectural styles. They provide a unique glimpse into the city’s diverse cultural history.

25. Stroll through Montaza Palace Gardens

Montaza Palace in Alexandria is surrounded by beautifully landscaped gardens. It’s a great place to relax and enjoy the Mediterranean views.

Other Options:

26. Visit St. Catherine’s Monastery

St. Catherine’s Monastery, located at the foot of Mount Sinai, is one of the oldest working Christian monasteries in the world. It’s a significant pilgrimage site and offers stunning views of the surrounding desert.

St Catherine Monastery

27. Climb Mount Sinai

An early morning hike up Mount Sinai offers breathtaking views and a sense of spiritual significance. It’s believed to be the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments.

28. Discover the Dahab Blue Hole

Dahab is famous for its Blue Hole, a deep underwater sinkhole popular with divers. The area also offers excellent windsurfing and kitesurfing conditions.

Dahab Blue Hole

29. Visit the Temple of Edfu

The Temple of Horus at Edfu is one of the best-preserved ancient monuments in Egypt. It’s dedicated to the falcon god Horus and offers fascinating insights into ancient Egyptian religion.

Temple of Edfu

30. Enjoy a Desert Safari in the Eastern Desert

Experience the beauty of Egypt’s deserts with a safari tour. The Eastern Desert is safer for travelers compared to other desert areas and offers adventure and breathtaking landscapes.

Essential Information for Travelers

Visas: Citizens of most countries require a visa to enter Egypt. You can obtain a visa upon arrival at major airports or apply for one in advance at your nearest Egyptian embassy or consulate. Check the Egyptian government’s official website for the latest visa information.

Currency: The Egyptian Pound (EGP) is the official currency. ATMs are widely available in major cities, but it’s always a good idea to carry some cash in Egyptian Pounds when you arrive.

Safety: Egypt is generally safe for tourists. However, it’s always wise to exercise common sense precautions, such as being mindful of your belongings in crowded areas.

How to Plan a Budget Travel to Egypt

Traveling to Egypt on a budget is possible with careful planning. Here are some tips to help you save money while enjoying your trip:

Book cheap Egypt tours: Websites like Tours4fun offer a variety of budget-friendly tour packages that can help you explore Egypt without breaking the bank.

Travel during the off season: Visiting during the summer months can save you money on flights, accommodations, and tours.

Use public transportation: Egypt has a reliable network of buses and trains that can help you travel between cities at a low cost.

Stay in budget accommodations: Look for budget hotels, hostels, or guesthouses to save on lodging expenses.

Eat like a local: Enjoying local cuisine at street stalls or small eateries can be much cheaper than dining in tourist restaurants.

Negotiate prices: Bargaining is common in Egyptian markets and can help you get better deals on souvenirs and services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the off-season for Egypt?

The off-season in Egypt is typically from June to August when temperatures are at their highest. While it can be hot, it’s also a time when you can find great deals on travel and accommodations.

Do US citizens need a visa for Egypt?

Yes, US citizens need a visa to enter Egypt. You can obtain a visa on arrival at Egyptian airports or apply for an e-visa online before your trip.

Is it safe to travel to Egypt right now?

Generally, tourist areas like Cairo, Luxor, and Hurghada are considered safe, but travel safety can vary, so it’s essential to check the latest Egypt travel advisories from your government and exercise common sense precautions.

Are there family-friendly activities in Egypt?

Yes, Egypt has many family-friendly activities. Visiting the pyramids, exploring Luxor’s temples, cruising the Nile, and enjoying the beaches in Hurghada are great options for families.

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